low CO2 footprint & reduced wastes
The new ReActiv technologies will modify the properties of Bauxite Residue, transforming into a reactive material suitable for new, low CO2 footprint, cement products. In this manner ReActiv proposes a win-win scenario for both industrial sectors; reducing wastes and CO2 emissions respectively.

About the REACTIV project
The objective of the project is to produce cements with a replacement of 30% of the clinker by modified Bauxite Residue. Therefore, the cement industry can potentially consume the total production of the modified bauxite residue in Europe.
In ReActiv modification will be made to both the alumina production and the cement production side of the chain, in order to link them through the new ReActiv technologies.
The latter will modify the properties of the Industrial Residue, transforming into a reactive material (with pozzolanic or hydraulic activity) suitable for new, low CO2 footprint, cement products. In this manner ReActiv proposes a win-win scenario for both industrial sectors (reducing wastes and CO2 emissions respectively).
ReActiv is an European Commission funded Innovation Action on the H2020-EU. call
ReActiv has been granted a total budget of 8.807.929,38€
4 years duration
ReActiv started on November 2020 and is expected
to be completed in 2020
12 Countries 21 Partners
The Reactiv project consortium is a cross sectorial innovation consortium which includes: