Pilot plants


We have an expertise on designing and building pilot units for the production of geopolymers and innovative building materials. Our target is to build an integrated unit for inorganic polymer production from residues, consisting of a number of standard sized modules that will fit within a 40-foot container and that can be mounted on a trailer to make it mobile, thereby allowing it to be easily transported on land and overseas using standard methods. Each module can be tailored on a case-by-case basis and modules can be reorganized and combined, where required, for a specific case study. The main functions it needs to fulfil are: the storage and distribution of materials; milling; mixing; shaping.

Initially the engineering of the modules takes place. Next to the generic engineering (i.e. the frames, smart connections to electricity, dust collection, easy switching of modules, room for unit operation and maintenance), each module requires specific knowledge. Therefore, different suppliers and an engineering firm are usually involved.

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